User guide


This user guide contains different guidelines to help you becoming familiar with « iLeaves » application and knowing to use it.

  1. Add a leave
  2. Add a type of absence


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[titled_box variation=”silver” title=”1. Add a leave”]
In this user guide, you will learn to add a hour leave.

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From calendar screen, click on « + » button or twice on a day calendar.

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Choose hour leave

Enter all informations needed to add a leave : status, name, type of absence, starting and ending dates.

iLeaves calculate the duration of your leave thank to your working days and public holidays.

For « Compensatory » type of absence, you need to select between an absence or a compensatory : compensatory is a time of work to catch up later in form of a leave.

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Add day leave

After saving your leave, it shows on calendar.

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[titled_box variation=”silver” title=”2. Add a type of absence”]
In this user guide, you will learn to add a type of absence.

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From « Balance » ou « Settings / Types of absence » tabs, you can add a new type of absence (« + » button).

For all of your types of absence, you have a recap of vacation hours and hours already taken.

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Add type of absence

Enter all informations needed to add a type of absence : type, short type, category, operating mode (functioning), mode of calculation, vacation days, starting & ending dates and color to use.

There is 3 operating mode :

  • « Balance » : normal use for annual leaves.
  • « Timesheet » : to follow absences and working hours.
  • « Compensatory » : to follow hours of work to catch up later in form of a leave.

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